Sunday, July 4, 2010

Enterprise application integration the begining

The story goes back to the year 1985. It all started in one persons mind and his name is Vivek Ranadive an Electrical Engineer and an entrepreneur. He was trained as a Hardware Engineer in MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology and that made him to think about creating a so called "software bus" which allows various softwares to plug in and communicate through a single interface just like the computer hardware bus and interface cards do. He applied this theory on one of the projects which was undertaken by his company Teknekron and that project was to automate a stock market trading floor of "The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc.". His project became successful so is his idea the "Information Bus".

Today we have several acronyms having this same meaning.
Or putting them altogether today we call  SOA - Service Oriented Architecture.

MillenniumIT is a leading technology solutions provider in Sri Lanka who now claims to have developed the fastest trading system in the world which is based on a messaging middle ware or information bus built in house. It handles trades in 130 microseconds, compared with 250 microseconds on Nasdaq OMX, which had claimed to be the fastest based on commercial application. MillenniumIT system said to be handling up to 1m messages per second, compared with 20,000 available on TradElect another platform. Chi-X Europe operates a system capable of handling 225,000 messages per second.


Driving the information bus
WebMethods Vs TIBCO
Where Is the Real-Time Web Message Bus
NETSCOUT - Enterprise - Financial Services
About MillenniumIT
JMS and Spring
