lsnrctl Message 1073 not found; No message file for product=NETWORK, facility=TNS
Windows No such file or directory message.
To see this error use Start>Run and type cmd and press enter
then type lsnrctl status and press enter.
The issue is with the ORACLE_HOME envirnment variable which got change after installing the application server.
To fix this change the ORACLE_HOME to C:\oraclexe\app\oracle\product\10.2.0\server in my case. This should be done in My Computer>Properties>Advanced Tab>Envirnoment Variables.
Please check the registry key
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet002\Control\Session Manager\Environment
which should be the same as above.
Hi kishantha,
Thank you very much for your post!
It worked by me.
Best regards,
Tks for the tip!
Thanks a lot for your post ;)
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